Jun 07 2010

What motivates you?

Category: Software DevelopmentPhil @ 12:01 am

Kent Beck tweeted this a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was interesting from multiple perspectives… First, the overall “presentation” concept was super cool and very creative. Secondly, the content was excellent and thought provoking. I think many of the points seem to get lost in corporate America. The video is 10 minutes long, but well worth the time; grab a coffee and enjoy! If you liked this video, there are actually numerous other topics from RSA Animate on YouTube.

RSA Animate – Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

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One Response to “What motivates you?”

  1. Kit says:

    WOW. Thanks, Phil. I’m so glad you posted this. It is incredibly compelling and rings completely true to me. I think this should be required watching for every person (management or otherwise) in the corporate world.

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