Oct 30 2007

Lean Development and Kanban

Category: Software DevelopmentPhil @ 7:27 pm

I’m currently reading the Lean Software Development book, it is so interesting… such a different way of thinking and actually “accomplishing” work….    I can only hope that the projects I am currently supporting will move to this style of software development some day….  I once interviewed at a company that fully embraced the XP methodology… it was so cool (from the wall-sized picture of the project, to the story board, to the standing meeting, so progressive), it actually started my evangelism of this process at my current employer.  I can’t recommend this book enough, especially if you want to see a contrast to traditional software development, and hopefully you guys will then be drinking the same kool-aid as me!

Anyway, I was reading a magazine this morning, and to my surprise there was an article on Kanban; which I was just reading about last night.   The article also talked about a piece of software, which I thought was interesting; having software to help manage a lean/agile project looked very interesting… We have used the office windows as our board on previous projects, not nearly as cool. Even Source Forge has a Kaban tool.

I just think it is a neat way of “depicting” and “choosing” the work that needs to be done… It is a very different way of thinking and managing a project.

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