Oct 21 2008

I wish I had OSX….

Category: WindowsPhil @ 8:37 pm

Right…. I’d rather take that $2500+ and buy 3 Linux laptops or 2 quad core decked out desktops!!!  I am forced to use Microsoft Windows XP at work and am always on the lookout for software to make the environment usable. I happened to run across a blog that mentioned RocketDock. I know there are other tools for windows that will emulate the Apple dock, but this one seems pretty cool, and best of all, it is free! There are lots of themes and plug-ins to make it interesting… I figured that I would give it a try for a few days and see how it works out. At least I can try to have a better user experience.

https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/digg_48.png https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/reddit_48.png https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/dzone_48.png https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/stumbleupon_48.png https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/delicious_48.png https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/blinklist_48.png https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/blogmarks_48.png https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/google_48.png https://www.beilers.com/wp-content/plugins/sociofluid/images/facebook_48.png

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