I like anything that gives Apple a little jab… and am looking forward to Verizon releasing some interesting new phones. Verizon just created a new sub-site, http://www.verizonwireless.com/droid. I think it is actually a pretty good campaign, “iDon’t”. I have been using Windows Mobile for many years, and I will be the first to say that it has be be considered a complete failure; but similar to the old Palm OS, there have always been a multitude of free applications with no Steve restrictions. My primary need for a Windows-based phone was the integration with Outlook, which allowed me to sync my calendar, contacts, email, etc; which did work flawlessly. I have never been into the whole Android thing, as I am no fan of “single” source solutions, such as that iThing. But, now that Verizon and several other carriers are planning to release phones, and even Acer has released a new Android-based netbook, I’m starting to get a little more interested!