Mar 28 2011

Continuous Testing Plug-ins verses Continuous Integration

Category: Continuous Integration,Eclipse,TestingPhil @ 12:01 am

This is an extremely interesting concept, but I really wonder how it works in the real world. Toy projects are one thing, but real production size applications are a different story! The principle is very simple; just modify a piece of code in your project and the IDE automatically executes all of the unit tests. Pretty cool concept. But, what if your unit test suite runs for several hours? I believe this is an all too common problem. I have seen many projects dedicate time to building their unit tests, and over time, end up with test suites that can run for multiple hours. There is a very negative side effect associated with this scenario, it can change a developer’s attitude towards checking in code, it actually discourages it. If the developer knows their commits will not be validated for several hours, they tend to check in very infrequently and only when they feel it will not impact other developers. Many factors can contribute to this scenario. The primary factor is that many of these tests are not really unit tests; they typically do not provide the proper isolation (via mocking) and take too long to execute. I’m not going to address those issues directly, but the concept does support and encourage the idea of quick test execution.

Wouldn’t it be cool to run all of the unit tests, in your IDE before checking in the your changes? Obviously, this action is expected by the developer and is completely possible without any special tools. However, it is not automatic and requires extra effort by the developer. Usually, it is easier to let the Continuous Integration server run the tests and fix the fallout later. It seems like a simple problem to solve; create a plug-in that automatically executes all of the unit tests saving a file, requiring no additional effort or interaction from the developer. If you are an Eclipse user, you have two good options, JUnit Max and Infinitest. I would really like to try Kent Beck’s JUnit Max, but you need to purchase a subscription to use (and even try)  the plug-in. That is a show stopper for me, as there are free alternatives such as Infinitest. I evaluated the Infinitest plug-in last year, after it was open-sourced. I did encounter some problems with the plug-in, my Spring-based projects did not work; I was quickly discouraged and abandoned the tool. Months later, I was still intrigued by the idea, so I gave it a try last week on a different project and achieved success!

Unfortunately, Infinitest is not currently installable from the Eclipse Marketplace. It can be quickly installed the old fashioned way from the Eclipse update site.  There is only one setting you may want to tweak, the Slow Test Warning threshold. If  you have unit tests that execute for longer than half a second, Infinitest will add a warning to your Problems View for each one; this could be problematic if you have a large number of long running unit tests. You should also notice a huge new “Continuous Test” status bar in your Eclipse footer. It will update automatically based on your coding activity. JUnit Max is a little more subtle, but provides the same type of feedback mechanism. That’s it, you are now ready to write code and auto test!

I’m not exactly sure how intelligent these plug-ins are, related to determining which unit tests to execute based on what code was changed. Hopefully that is the next level of continuous testing evolution. However, if you modify a single unit test, Infinitest will only run that single test; beyond that, I don’t believe there is much intelligence. If your code modification causes any unit tests to fail, the status bar will turn red. Unfortunately, it does not tell you how many test failed, it only provides the number of tests which it executed. If you mouse over the status bar, it will display the names of the tests which failed, but you can not click on them, they are just there for feedback. You will need to look in the Problems View to discover which test broke, the view will now contain markers for each failed test.

The only issue I have with the plugin, is around user interaction. It does not provide its own View for test results, it simply adds the failures to the existing items in the Problems View. I assumed that the Unit Test View would be updated with the test results, similar to manually running a unit test; however, this was not the case.  It appears that both Infinitest and JUnit Max use the same strategy, providing minimal feedback to the developer. Maybe this a good approach, but I was expecting more visual feedback and confirmation. I associate static problems with the Problems View, such as compiler and code quality errors, not dynamic problems such as test failures. The developer should be able to click on a marker (problem) and be navigated to the exact line of code indicated by that marker, giving them the opportunity to resolve the issue .  Here is my problem with this approach, if the developer clicks on the failed JUnit marker, where will they be navigated? The only possible location is the unit test which failed. Generally speaking, this is not where the problem would be found, it would lie in the code that was just changed. Given this issue, I would rather use a different View for continuously executed tests;   maybe even better, find a way to reuse the existing Unit Test View.

This does bring up an interesting question, do these plug-ins minimize or eliminate the need for Continuous Integration? I don’t believe this is the case, but would seem to eliminate the need for some of the more advanced features the vendors are implementing. One such example is TeamCity’s remote build, pre-commit test feature. There are many factors to consider, but if unit tests execute quickly, I do not see the need for this functionality to be provided by the CI server. If the tests execute for multiple hours, we could be adding more risk into the process, by not committing changes when they are ready to integrate. Remote build, pre-commit testing sounds valuable on paper, but I am struggling to see the real benefits. I tend to think this functionality over complicates the Continuous Integration process. One of the main benefits of Continuous Integration is that it is seamless and automatic. Nothing is required by the development team to reap the CI benefits, simply check in your code early and often.  As more education and process overhead are required by the CI process, it is no longer simple nor free.  The focus should be on doing what makes sense, at the right time, in the right place. These IDE plug-ins seem to have correct perspective, pre-check-in on the developers desk, simple, automatic, and efficient.

I hope that you will try to integrate one of these plug-ins into your personal development process. I believe they will help create a more robust development process, creating fewer Continuous Integration failures and ultimately, a more efficient, faster executing test suite. If you have real world experience with one of these tools, please provide some comments. I am still curious, does this approach work on real projects?

Mar 01 2011

Build Evolution: Ant to Maven – A simple exercise…

I typically end up taking the role of “build guy” and I have no idea why! It is probably a control thing; I like to be able to fix problems and make improvements. I have been an Ant-man for many years, and was proficient in the “Art of Make” before that. I never gave Maven a chance, as it always seemed like it was too complicated for adoption by corporate projects. Ant can be very simple and quick; some might even throw the word dirty in there! Unfortunately, I have seen (hopefully not created!) some of the most horrific Ant build systems imaginable. Many times, it is a developer’s “first time effort” that becomes the project’s permanent build system. Because I had the opportunity to work on many different Ant-based projects, I gained experience by using and evaluating many different approaches. I believe that real problem with Ant, is not necessarily Ant itself, but the lack of standards and structure it provides. Ant allows each developer (or project) to invent its own Ant Philosophy. Once you are familiar with the Ant “programming style”, you can script just about anything, any way you want, manipulating files located in any direct structure, located anywhere on the network. Ant is a very powerful and flexible tool. Unfortunately, the more inventive the Ant Philosophy is, the more brittle and complicated the scripts can become. Ant XML also seems to be an excellent “cut and paste” candidate. New team members, with little time or understanding of Ant or the specific philosophy implemented, find duplicating targets the safest method to implement change. Another shortcoming of Ant is dependency management. This problem is easily solved and have blogged about it numerous times in the past. I believe that the use of a dependency management tool, such as Ivy, is an evolutionary step taken by “build guys”. Sadly, many developers don’t seem to be interested in dependency management. They don’t like the dependency on the dependency management tool and would rather just manage them within the project. For me, the value of the central repository and structurally documented, versioned dependencies cannot be undervalued.

I have probably described many of the same experiences you have encountered with Ant-based projects; they can be even more exaggerated when you start managing multiple projects. One possible evolution path is to define a “standard” directory structure and develop a collection of “shared” Ant scripts that work with the standard directory structure. This allows each individual project’s build XML to be little more than a set of properties. This is exactly where we ended up, utilizing an Ivy-like externalized repository for build scriptlets and Ant’s URL import capability. Hold on, a standard directory structure with reusable build components? Almost sounds like some other tool…

The Experiment…
Being an Eclipse guy, I was curious how to combine an Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project with a Maven project. My ultimate goal was to setup a Jenkins Continuous Integration Server, that monitored a Maven-based project on GitHub, and develop the code within Eclipse and utilizing a Dynamic Web Project facet. Historically, my projects were managed by Hudson using Free-style jobs; they were always Ant-based and extracted from a Subversion repository. I had worked on quite a few web applications using this pattern, so it seemed like a pretty good starting point! I had started a toy project to manage encrypted data a couple of years ago and never put it under version control, it was a perfect candidate for this experiment.

Changing a project’s build tool has a rather large impact and needs be considered from multiple perspectives. I have approached the problem by breaking it down into five (5) different spaces. This might not be the optimal or preferred approach, but does show the high-level differences and addresses the major build challenges. Surely, my next project will be done completely differently, but you have to start learning somewhere!

Perspective Changes
Dependencies To end up with an application that compiles in Eclipse, this change and the next have to be done in parallel. The easiest approach is to create a POM and focus on the dependencies section. If you are already using Ivy to manage your dependencies, this will not be that big of a change. Using a public Maven repository like MVN Repository to locate dependencies is very simple and saves a ton of time. The easiest way to create a POM is to let Eclipse make it for you; you will need to install the Maven plug-in first.  Once you have your project loaded into Eclipse, simply “Enable Dependency Management” in your project’s properties. You can also add dependencies directly from the  plug-in; I’m a little old school and prefer to edit the POM manually, but either approach works fine.
Local Development I never liked the required Maven directory structure; I must have subconsciously adopted the Eclipse project structure as my personal standard. Converting the project’s directory structure was trivial and soon realized it was not that big deal after all; I aways separate my source and test files anyway. The main difference is everything lives under the source root, including the WebContent directory. I’m not sure what the “preferred” process is for loading a Maven project into Eclipse, probably using the Maven Eclipse Plug-in, which will create the appropriate Eclipse property files. Since I was doing a conversion, I don’t think this plug-in would be too helpful. Because I’m fairly Eclipse savvy, I simply wired everything up myself. Having the Eclipse Maven Plug-in will enable your dependencies  to be automatically added to the build path. With the addition of the Eclipse “Deployment Assembly” options dialog, it is extremely easy manually configure your project. You need to have a Faceted Dynamic Web Module for the “Deployment Assembly” option to be visible, but that should be a fairly simple property change as well. At this point, you should have a fully functional, locally deployable web application.
The Build Now we can ignore Eclipse, and focus on building our WAR file using Maven. Even with the minimalist POM shown to the left (plus your dependencies section), it is possible to compile the code and create a basic WAR file. Use mvn compile to ensure that your code compiles. Using the Maven package goal, the source code is compiled, the unit tests are compiled and executed, and the WAR file is built. All of this functionality, without writing one line of XML!  One of the more time consuming parts of an Ant-based build is integrating all of the “extras” typically associated with a project, making them available to the continuous integration server. The extras include: unit test execution, code coverage metrics, and quality verification tools such as Checkstyle, PMD, and FindBugs. This tools are all typically easy to setup, but every project implements them slightly different and never put the results into a standard place! The general process for adding new behavior (tools) to a build appears to be the same for most tools. You simply add the plug-in to the POM and configure it to fire the appropriate goals at the appropriate time in the Maven lifecycle. Ant does not have this lifecycle concept, but it seems like a very elegant way to add behavior into the build. From the following example, I added the Checkstyle tool to the POM. The <executions> section controls what and when the plug-in will be executed. In this example, the check goal will be executed during the compile phase of the build process. Simply executing the compile goal, will cause Checkstyle to be invoked as well. This seems like a very clean integration technique, one that does not cause refactoring ripples.

The Cobertura integration is another very good example. I have been a fan of the Clover code coverage for many years. Since losing access to Clover, I needed to look for an open-source alternative,  and had never tried EMMA or Cobertura. They both seemed like capable tools, but I had more success integrating Cobertura with Jenkins. I’m highlighting this point, as doing code coverage with Ant and Clover can sometimes be a little tricky and usually messy. The Cobertura plug-in takes compete responsibility for instrumenting the code, executing the unit test, and generating the report; completely non-intrusive.

Continuous Integration Most development teams also want their project monitored by a Continuous Integration (CI) process. Modern CI tools such as Hudson/Jenkins provide excellent dashboards for reporting a variety of quality metrics. As I previously stated, it is rather time consuming to develop and test the Ant XML required to generate and publish these metrics; combine that with configuring each CI server job to capture these metrics and you have added a fair amount of overhead. I knew there was support for Maven-based projects within Hudson/Jenkins, but never took the time to understand why it would be beneficial. The main benefit is right there in the description, had I bothered to read it! Configuring a Maven-based job is little more than clicking a few check boxes. No need configure them in Jenkins, using the information provided by Maven, it is basically automatic. This is one interesting aspect of the Hudson-Jenkins fork. Sonatype, the creator of the Nexus Maven Repository manager and the Eclipse Maven plug-in, have chosen the Hudson side of the battle. I wonder what this means for Maven support on the Jenkins side. Obviously, it will not go away, but that might end up being a Hudson advantage in the long run. I still believe that the Jenkins community will quickly out pace the Hudson community.
Deployment I’m not going into much detail on this point, other than to say that I would like to see the deployment process completely separated from the build process, maybe even done by two different people or organizations. I have seen too many projects combine building and deploying into one system, creating artificial dependencies, time consuming, unreliable, and unmaintainable deployment processes. I have also experienced complete deployment overkill, causing simple deployments to take over thirty (30) minutes, with no real guarantee that it would be successful. Hopefully teams (developer and operations) will strive for a minimal deployment overhead/process, one that provides just enough security and control to enable continuous, rapid deployments.

I have barely touched upon the real power of Maven and know that some people are going to say my requirements are too simple to be valid. I’m sure there are projects far more complicated than mine, but I do feel that this project is highly representative of the 80-20 rule. If developer’s can have a little self control, conform, and do what is required verses what would be really cool, simple Maven POMs should satisfy a large number of corporate projects with very little overhead. That is the goal, correct?  I can even see using Maven for my toy projects; why do I want to waste time writing and maintaining a bunch of useless build scripts? I never realized that you could ease into Maven; I think that is the real point of the post! And, it is not actually a huge investment.

When I was Googling for this topic, I found many interesting articles. I truly believe the biggest reason preventing teams from evolving and adopting new approaches is simply fear, fear of change and the unknown. I still think Maven is a rather large “pill to swallow”, but have now experienced enough value to continue investing time into this technology. I took the typical developer approach and dove into Maven with little preparation or understanding… I would not suggest this approach, unless you to have lots of time to waste! If you are unfamiliar with Maven, I hope the following collection of articles will provide a quick overview of the basic concepts. I realize that some of them are a little old, but you should start with the Maven basics, and those really have not changed.

An Introduction to Maven2
Should you move to Maven2
Maven vs Ant: Stop the Battle
How to Migrate from Ant to Maven: Project Structure
Top Ten Reasons to Move to Maven 3
Maven over Ant + Ivy
Automated Deployment with Maven – Going the whole nine yards

Jul 20 2010

Eclipse Project Configurations – Shared or Personal?

Category: Continuous Integration,Eclipse,Software DevelopmentPhil @ 12:01 am

To be honest, this was not a topic I was actually planning to write about. However, because I received a couple of interesting comments on a recent blog entry, Unfriendly Developer Practices, I thought I should clarify my position.

Question of the Day
Should your IDE (Eclipse) configuration files be checked in as part of your project?

One of the comments suggested that there should be should be no dependency between the build system and the IDE. Another person suggested the disconnect between the IDE and the build system creates a convenient place for dependency inconsistencies to develop unchecked.

I completely agree with both of those statements and have seen both problems manifested several times. However, there are two simple tools can make this a non-issue: Continuous Integration and Dependency Management.

  • Continuous Integration is obvious; if that lazy developer forgets to check in a dependency or update the build scripts, the build fails. Not perfect, but the problem is immediately detected and the relevant people are notified of the situation. The problem can be resolved within minutes.
  • The Silver Bullet for me, was the addition of the Ivy Dependency Management tool into our build process. Because the build system and IDE share the same dependency configuration, the project’s dependencies were now managed in single place. Using the IvyDE plug-in, Eclipse simply worked, with no additional configuration. Using the externalized dependencies and basic Ant targets, the project could create a robust, change resilient build system. To achieve this level of robustness, I took advantage of the Ivy post resolve tasks. It was not until I discovered how easily they could isolate the build scripts from the actual dependencies, did it all come together. The real beauty of this approach is that no files (dependencies) are directly referenced. The post resolve tasks create variables which contain all of the appropriate files; the build script can then treat these variables generically, without concern. Nice and clean!

It was an unstated, fundamental requirement to have no “direct” dependency on Eclipse; such that we could all revert back to the wonderful world of Emacs tomorrow, should the need arise. I don’t think which IDE a project chooses to use, is really that important. I am apparently an Eclipse snob; but all I really care about is having Emacs key-bindings! If a majority of the team works on the same platform, I do believe there is real value around this continuity; that just happens to be Eclipse for me!

I have several other reasons for checking in configuration files:

  • It quickly highlights wrong doing! If a developer checks in something specific to their environment, they will break everyone on the team. My goal is for complete project neutrality: check out on any machine, in any directory, and the project is guaranteed to build and deploy.  Additionally, check the project out in Eclipse and it should build with no issues, within minutes.
  • Not all developer’s actually care about tools. Some developers simply want their environment setup for them. They have no desire to figure out how Eclipse formats code when you save a file or how to configure and run quality checks after each build; implementing business solutions is their primary concern.
  • Enhanced team productivity. If everyone’s world (environment) is the same, it is so much easier to spin up a new developer or help a teammate with a problem. Would you really want each developer to go through the discovery process of setting up the project? In the big picture, isn’t this really just wasted time?
  • Helping to ensuring quality coding practices and standards. We also check in the Checkstyle, PMD, and Findbugs configuration and rule sets. Taking advantage of the sharable configuration files, both the Eclipse plug-ins and Ant tasks work from the same rule sets, ensuring complete consistency across the team, no matter where the rules are executed.

I appreciate all of the recent comments; thanks for taking the time to reply. They enable me think about and reconsider the decisions I have made, giving me yet another opportunity to learn from my mistakes!  As far as Eclipse configuration files are concerned, I strongly believe there is far more project value gained by including them, as compared to requiring each developer manage their own environment. One final note, I have no issue with developers wanting to manage their own world, more power to them!  I would hope that these efforts would be to make the overall, shared environment a little better; after all, everyone should be contributing to all aspects of the project! The real point is that everyone should not be required to configure a project, unless they really want or need to.

Jul 11 2010

Unfriendly Developer Pactices – Adding uncessary environmental complexities

A couple of years ago, I began focusing on construction and deployment complexities. I had just joined a new team and began looking for the commonalities between their architectures and environments. Needless to say, they were all different. The most disturbing issue was the amount of effort required for a new developer to start working with an application. If there was any project documentation, it was probably out of date; resulting in hours or even days of trial and error to actually build and deploy the system. In this post, I’m talking about is building and deploying J2EE applications. The following list represents the top developer unfriendly practices I have observed.

Developer Unfriendly Practices
  1. Without first running a setup task in Ant, the project does not build in Eclipse.
  2. The Eclipse .project and .classpath files are not checked into version control system with the source.
  3. The project’s Ant scripts are generic and non-deterministic; they have to be edited for your individual environment before building the project.
  4. The project requires specific libraries or packages to be installed on your machine before it can be built.
  5. Eclipse project not configured as an WTP project.
  6. Minimal jUnits and no continuous integration.
  7. J2EE container dependencies built into the project.

After experiencing these challenges, I began a quest of environmental simplification. I understand there are numerous reasons why projects end up with these unfriendly characteristics,  but leaving them unaddressed was just not in my character! I made it my personal mission to ensure that each project that I worked on, I would try to leave it in a little better shape than when I arrived. This is a never ending activity; I hope that those that come after me will have a similar philosophy and continue my quest. It is amazing how easy and fast an application can atrophy, eliminating all of the positive changes that had been previously applied. To keep things simple, I came up with following three project requirements. I try to weave some aspect of them into the development process and architecture of each project that I work on.

Project Principles

  1. Self-Containment, No External Configuration.
  2. Environmental Awareness
  3. Change Resilient

I hope that most of these principles seem like common sense and are nothing new. Much like many of the XP principals, they are not new or revolutionary, just good reminders of often overlooked practices. I will try to elaborate on each principal in a future post, hopefully, in the near future!

Jul 01 2010

Eclipse 3.6 Helios: WTP + Ivy and Deployment Assembly… Working reliably at last?

Category: Eclipse,Software DevelopmentPhil @ 12:01 am
I have a love/hate relationship with the IvyDE plug-in when it comes to WTP project types. I have literally wasted hours of time trying to get IvyDE to publish into my web application. It is very strange, no pattern at all; it works fine for days at a time and then decides to stop working… I don’t believe that the team has actually developed a “reproducible pattern” of forcing WTP to publish the Ivy dependencies; it is a continual “trial and error” of the following steps, clean the project, Ivy resolve, clean Tomcat, un-deploy the application, redeploy the application; one of these will eventually cause WTP to push the dependencies over. Can you say, frustrating?

Some developers just give up and use Ivy retrieve to dump the dependencies into the WEB-INF/lib directory; this will work, but is not a very elegant solution. To make this work, you are required to refresh the workspace after the Ivy resolve/retrieve completes, which pushes the dependencies into the web application; nasty.

This problem may have been answered in Eclipse 3.6 (Helios). I tested some of the 3.6 milestone releases, but was fooled into thinking that the IvyDE and WTP integration was broken; the J2EE module dependency option was no longer visible on the project properties. I was too busy to investigate (or look at other menu options!), I just assumed that it was just broken. To make a long story short, there is a new menu option called Deployment Assembly. The new option is a much simpler concept to comprehend; it is more flexible and actually seems to work consistently with Ivy. The most obvious change is the presentation; it gives a better picture of how the web application will be assembled. The old J2EE Module Dependency manager allowed you to choose components, but might have been more tailored for building an EAR file, rather than a WAR. Another issues is the inability to exclude any of the “source” folders. If you manage your unit test classes in a separate source folder, they would also be included in the application (WAR). Not necessarily a problem, but not very clean and could possibly hide unintended dependencies between the two source trees.

When using IvyDE, the first step is to add an Ivy classpath container. This will add Ivy dependencies to the classpath of your Eclipse project. If you have a WTP project, you will also need these dependencies copied to the WEB-INF/lib directory. This is easily accomplished by clicking the Add button under Deployment Assembly (under project properties). You can add other projects and external jars as well. Here is where it gets interesting, there appears to be two different options. If you have already added the Ivy classpath container to your build path, click the “Referenced Classpath Entries” option and select the ivy.xml file from your project. There might be a little display problem, as the “Deploy Path” for the classpath container does not appear correct, but it does put the libraries in the correct directory location.

The second option is to remove the Ivy classpath container from the build path, and re-add it under the new Deployment Assembly properties. This option displays properly and copies the dependencies to the WEB-INF/lib directory. I actually prefer this option, but there is a significant problem; there is no way to re-resolve the dependencies; it appears you need to delete the container and re-add it, if you change your ivy.xml file. Rather annoying!

I started writing this blog a couple of weeks ago and was under the impression that the new version was working perfectly. However, I’m currently back to where I started, with inconsistent, unexplainable behavior. Time to submit a question to the Ivy support list. Hopefully, I will have something to report back soon.

Nov 09 2009

NetBeans Unit Test Creation better than Eclipse? And where should unit test live?

Category: Eclipse,Java,TestingPhil @ 5:00 am

I seem to work on a variety of Java applications and find that unit testing is one of the most varied (implementation-wise) pieces of the development process. These applications, created by different development staffs, many which have evolved over the pass few years are all very unique… kind of makes me wonder why? That is a topic for another post!

One debate I always seem to encounter is around where to actually save the unit tests? Should we do in-package testing or rely on the public API. My preferences are pretty simple:

  • Unit test should not be stored with the code, but rather created under a secondary source root. On my early projects, I created a sub-package under each package, called test, to manage the relevant files (tests and data). I later realized that I could simplify the Ant build process and enable in-package testing by creating a separate source tree. I have seen projects commingle the actual source code, unit tests, and even the test data files, all within the single source tree. This defaults the testing strategy to in-package testing, and discourages (or even prevents) API testing. I find this approach rather messy and unclear. This approach also complicates the Ant build process; at some point during the process, the unit tests, supporting classes and files should be separated from the actual deployable content.
  • I like to name my secondary source root tdd. I know it is not widely practiced, but my hope is that if the developers see that TDD directory every time the open up their IDE, the concept might actually wear off! Maybe someday, one developer (hopefully more) will actually be challenged to write their unit tests first. With Eclipse and jUnit 4.x annotations, I seem to always start with my unit test, and sometimes even refactor code from the unit test into the actual class; kind of a high-bread TDD process, but the thought is always there!
  • I also prefer the public API testing strategy verses in-package testing. This line of thinking always takes me back to the Testability Explorer. The concepts behind this metric enforce the idea public API testing and is worth a quick read. Add the Spring Framework to the mix, enabling dependency injection and I see little need for in-package testing. This is typically accomplished by creating a “test” package as the root of the secondary source tree, with sub-packages reflecting the package hierarchy of your classes to be tested. I truly believe that defaulting to in-package testing allows the developers to be very sloppy and even unaware that they are testing a specific internal implementation, rather than externalized behavior presented by the API… This is VERY bad practice in my opinion.
  • If there is a need for in-package testing, then the sub-package structure of the classes to be tested can be recreated under the secondary source tree, maintaining a clean separation between the source and test cases. These test should be considered an exception to the norm, rather than common practice. I would hope for a 90-10 or 80-20 ratio, with a majority of the test falling under the test package root (in-package is the minority).

I am kind of tied to Eclipse as my IDE, but do play with NetBeans every so often. I think I could switch to NetBeans, my only real requirement is that the IDE must have Emacs key bindings; some habits are just too hard to break! NetBeans looks like an pretty good tool and seems to be very responsive on my Ubuntu box; I especially like the way it manages plug-ins.  One interesting thing that NetBeans does (maybe a little better than Eclipse), is manage unit testing. NetBeans will automatically create the secondary source tree, but seems to default to in-package testing. It is very easy to add the additional test package into the package structure to enable API testing. I also like the way that NetBeans separates the Test Libraries from the regular Libraries. I’m not sure how well this would work when you use a tool like Ivy, but does make it more obvious, as to which libraries are used for execution verses unit testing… If you do happen to generate a unit test from an existing class, NetBeans will generate more code than Eclipse. I’m not sure how useful this code is, but it does try to create the object under test, invoke the get() methods and perform assertions on the returned values. Might be more noise that it is worth, and anyway, you should be writing the unit test first!

The bottom line is that Unit testing should be easy and valuable. If it becomes too hard or complicated, it might be time to re-address how the unit test strategy is being implemented.

Nov 08 2009

Eclipse – Ubuntu 9.1 Button Issue…

Category: Eclipse,TestingPhil @ 5:18 pm
This was making me crazy the other night… I did not spend too much time on it, thinking is was just me. But, after upgrading my laptop and encountering the exact same problem, I knew there was more too it. It seemed like only the cancel buttons actually worked; all of the next and finish buttons did absolutely nothing, other then beep!  I soon realized that I could use the tab key and press enter to move to the next screen; but that did not make me very happy.

A quick Google search turned up several people with the same exact problem. It was kind of interesting. The Ubuntu developers did not want to take responsibility for the problem and said it was an Eclipse issue. The Eclipse community said they never had to do anything special for Eclipse to run on Ubuntu; it was looking like a stand off! I did find the official bug report filed with, it says the problem is resolved. However, without overriding the following variable, Eclipse is not very usable.


It also appears that this problem is affecting many other tools on the new 9.1 release as well. This simple fix will get you back into action, without having to wait for the real fix.

Jul 09 2009

Overview of the Eclipse Galileo Plug-in Manager

Category: EclipsePhil @ 8:56 pm

The Eclipse developers did a really nice upgrade to the Plug-in manager in the new Galileo release. Managing plug-in sites seems much easier and cleaner with the new Available Software Sites menu option in the main preferences area. Not really a new feature, but seemingly more obvious, is the ability to import and export update sites to and from your team mates. I have exported my settings and linked them to the XML file icon on the left. Simply download the XML file and import them into Eclipse and you are ready to go. I can’t believe I never used this feature in the previous versions!

Also, don’t forget that you can also have Eclipse automatically find new updates for you. This is not a new feature either, but one that I always seem to forget! I just hit the Check for updates option every so often; not nearly as convenient! You can find this option under the Install/Update preferences panel as well.

Once you have your software sites configured, it is time to install or update your configuration.  Under the main Help option, select Install New Software.  You can select multiple plug-ins for installation  or use the new Work with: option. You can filter your plug-ins based on a specific site’s configuration file. I’m not exactly sure why I like this better, but the old multi-tab Ganymede version was just too busy. I think the new screens are much cleaner and easier to work with.

Jul 09 2009

Eclipse Launch Tip

Category: EclipsePhil @ 7:40 pm

I have to give credit to a co-worker who overheard me complaining about Eclipse one day… Ever since upgrading to the Ganymede version of Eclipse, the launch buttons for executing and debugging applications and unit tests were tied to the currently active editor. This was so annoying, I could not believe the Eclipse developers changed this behavior. Every time I clicked on the button, Eclipse would ask me what I wanted to do…. No, I don’t want to execute the XML file I was looking! No, I don’t want to execute the random Java file that I just fixed; I want to run the last unit test!

Pre-Ganymede versions of Eclipse simply ran the previously launched application or unit test. It was so convenient to just click the button and rerun the test. Apparently, I was not smart enough to look at all of the available options in the preferences menu; I conditioned myself to click on the little arrow next to the launch buttons and select the test I wanted to run from the menu. To my surprise, there was a new menu option that controlled the behavior of these buttons! Unfortunately, the default behavior is the un-desirable one, in my opinion; but with a quick click of the mouse, the world is right again! Hopefully, this little tip will make your Eclipse usage a little happier and smoother too. Thanks Jason!

Jun 15 2009

Galileo Eclipse Update

Category: EclipsePhil @ 6:27 pm

I might be in the minority, but I’m just not that excited by this release of Eclipse. I started using the RC3 version for real last week, and have had no issues at all; it seems very solid.  I attempted to use with the first couple release candidates, but they did not seem to play well with the Subversion plug-ins. I’m sure it was user error; it could not have been that messed up! For whatever reason, Eclipse completely toasted my work area (multiple attempts) after every commit. Needless to say, I did not even bother using them.  I have Eclipse integrated with the Spring IDE, Checkstyle, PMD, and Ivy plug-ins. I heavily use the Web Tools Platform for deploying web applications to Tomcat.  At least for what I have been doing lately, there is nothing to get me really excited. I think the best part is, that everything still just works! I notice a new little feature every so often, but nothing that says that’s a keeper! I have been using the Implementors plug-in for many years and was glad to see they finally implemented this feature within Eclipse. It works pretty well,  but they only implemented half of the functionality! With the Implementors plug-in, you can click on the interface method and ask to see all of the concrete implementations.  You can, sort of, get the same functionality through the type hierarchy view, but not as nicely. After seeing the Open Implementation feature, I thought this was a new feature too; I did not know that you could just click on a URL and have it open up in the browser, kind of handy!

One other thing that seems new, is the ability to search using partial camel-case entries. If you are really lazy or can not spell worth a crap, then you will probably use this feature a lot. Simple type in mixed case letters in the entry field, and Eclipse will automatically match to those classes. I thought the bold-ing of the matched letters was a nice touch.

There are two features that need some work, especially when you are moving between (upgrading) Eclipse versions.

  1. I thought the Clean Up and Save Actions functionality were excellent additions to the Ganymede release. I still can not figure out why I have to enter my configurations on both option panels. You can import/export the configuration on the Clean Up panel, but not on the Save Actions panel; you have to re-enter everything. I understand that some people might want different behaviors, but you should at least be able to import/export your settings on the Save Actions panel too; allowing us to reuse the other panel’s settings. I thought for sure this would have been fixed, small  bummer.
  2. The Content Assist Favorites drives me crazy, especially because I’m a big jUnit believer/implementer. Because I only use jUnit 4.x annotations and static import assertions in my unit tests, Eclipse is not smart enough to add the imports when I hit <CTRL><SHIFT>o or ask for the content assist. Maybe I learned something new tonight, from this blog.  I typically enter all of the jUnit assertion signatures (method names only) that I typically use. It looks like their might be an easier way, just by specifying the Type, I will have to try this tomorrow! Personally, I think jUnit assertions should be added by default, but that is just me!

If I’m missing out on a new killer Eclipse feature that was added to Galileo, please let me know! I don’t want to take away any of the great work that was done on this release, unfortunately, I don’t use any of those new additions! But I don’t think you can go wrong with this upgrade.

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